Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Pancakes and Cuy

Two Saturdays ago, it's been awhile since I've blogged sorry, I took a class trip, my first field trips in ages by the way, to another district in Lima called Miraflores. It was quite the adventure getting there. About 12 of us piled onto a combi, one of the mini buses, and headed off to Miraflores. We took up the whole combi, a combi full of gringos must have been quite the site, we were getting looks left and right. We were even asked to take a picture with some Columbian tourists once we arrived in Miraflores; I wonder how they could tell we were foreigners? We toured all throughout Miraflores and learned all about the history of Lima, it was actually quite interesting. We ended our tour at Huaca Pucllana, which are ancient ruins. We had a tour throughout the ruins and learned all about the history. There were tourists from all over in our group at this tour, including some from France. I decided to try to talk to one in French and I actually ended up having a legit conversation with him. I had finally shaken the feeling of feeling dumb every time I spoke, but it came all came flooding back after I spoke French, my French is nowhere close to my Spanish. 
That following week I finally became a true Peruvian, I had Guinea Pig for dinner, and it was really good! The saying 'Tastes like chicken' could not have been any truer. Guinea Pig, or as it's known here cuy, tasted just like chicken with BBQ sauce. The only thing that concerned me about it was that there was no sauce on the Guinea Pig, well that and that the fact that I ate something dark grey and hard also, too late to worry now!
After trying some authentic Peruvian cuisine me and some other students from UNK decided to make French toast and scrambled eggs for some of the Peruvians we've met down here. We tried to come up with a new Spanish word for French toast but that was a fail, the best we came up with was pan suave, or smooth bread. We spent the whole dinner talking, in Spanish of course, and as one of my friends put it 'You know your Spanish is improving when you can add sass.' While my delivering jokes in Spanish needs some improvement I'd say the sass part is up to par with the natives here! The whole meal consisted of everyone giving everyone friendly sarcasm, well and pretty much this whole trip too. Now I just need to learn the word for sass...
The next morning we made pancakes and scrambled eggs again for someone's host family and it was another success despite the lack of utensils. I was forced to use a cheese grater instead of a spatula. By the time we got around to making the eggs one of the Peruvians walked in and asked us 'Sopa de huevos?' She thought we were making egg soup; she had a good laugh at that and at our lack of utensils. The host family liked the pancakes so much one of the girls nicknamed them 'Panqueques Nebraskeanos'.

                                      Miraflores, after taking a picture with random Columbians
Group French toast dinner.

                                                                         Where's the beef?

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